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The birds

The birds that regularly visit my feeders are currently staging a revolt over me having put an orange slice in the suet feeder and moving a couple of the seed feeders one hook over from their usual spot. I moved things around a bit so I could get a better view of them. Yesterday, I sat and watched for a couple of hours after making the changes and even the normally reliable goldfinches wouldn’t make an appearance. At all. The Northern Flicker flies in sounding like a helicopter but has so far refused to land. The Red Bellied Woodpecker, who loves the suet feeder, instead began using one of the seed feeders meant for small birds.

Apparently I have a bunch of toddler birds.

The chickadees were slow to return but eventually did so and the bluebirds were unaffected since I left the mealworm station untouched. And yet, I still get the hairy eyeball from the bluebird. Why do bluebirds always look annoyed? It’s like they’re perma-angry even though they are one of the prettiest birds out there. Maybe he’s just taking up the cause for his brethren.

The first two pictures were taken before I put the offending citrus in with the suet and I guess I will be taking it back out this evening when I get home.