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A new hobby

I bought a bird feeder to keep me a bit distracted when I’m home. When my kids were little, we had a whole array of bird feeders that we would sit and watch for hours, writing down each new type of bird we saw, until the starlings found us and the only way to get rid of them was to take everything down for a period of time. I never got around to putting it all back up. My sister has an awesome set up and I wanted to go back to the joy of seeing some of the same birds she has visiting on a regular basis. Except the acrobatic squirrel that routinely empties or dismantles some of her feeders. Those I can do without. So I put up the pole and four feeders late one evening and the next morning one of the feeders had been completely emptied. Of course. So I got out the Crisco and greased up the center pole. Haven’t had a problem since and saw my first bluebird over the weekend. This makes me happy.