Wildlife in the city

Normally she comes in the dark of night to empty out the feeders but, lately, she’s there in the morning and we just look at each other through the window. She will run off if I open the window but she’s killing my bird food supply and my checking account along with it. You’re not supposed to feed them because they will stop foraging on their own and, once they are used to you having food for them, they can become aggressive to the point of head-butting doors and windows until they get their handout. Just what I need.

So far, no head-butting, but I think we are past the point of no return where foraging is concerned since it’s my bird feeders she forages in every.single.day. I think it’s time for a feed trough and salt lick. Whereupon I will have all the squirrels and raccoons within a ten mile radius in my yard. One thing I do not need is more raccoons; they’ve already set up a social club and hookah lounge in my attic and crawl space. They do not need more encouragement.