Until next year

Hopefully 2021 will bring some much needed relief to the lives we are living in 2020 and we will be back to enjoying the many events that were canceled this year. The last of only three fireworks shows was a huge success and I feel fortunate to have been able to capture far more “keepers” than usual. These are a few of my favorites. There are a few more on the fireworks page.


The most wonderful time of the year...

which, for me, is not Christmas. It’s fireworks season because I have such a short window of time to practice the focus pulling photography technique that transforms fireworks into sea creatures and pop art flowers. There are five shows each year that I put on my calendar, setting reminders to go off a week ahead of each show so I don’t forget. Like I ever would :)

With 2020 being the year of the great pandemic, two shows were canceled so I will only have three chances at it this year. The last show is next week and I’m already beginning to obsess about the weather.

Of the two shows so far, one was a total success and one was barely a success. Here’s to hoping the third and final show brings something new and unexpected.

purple seafoam rs.jpg
red green rs.jpg
retro flower rs.jpg
dendrite rs.jpg